Thursday, January 18, 2007

been around a long while

I've had this blog for a good long evidenced by the posts from '04. I don't want to delete them, though. They're very me. Very sappy. I'm so full of sap.

I'm sleepy and there isn't too much to say...except I feel that I'm ready and need to start blogging again. So perhaps I will. That is, if I can blog something that will be of interest to all of you... (i.e., no more future blog posts like this one).

Hope you're well. Hope you're happy. Hope you're full and peaceful.

Oh, and of course - Happy Birthday to the ever so lovely Ana. Should you read this: you are loved. I can't drink a sip of alcohol and not wish you were next to me, laying in grass, pointing out constellations. (See the sap? It never ends).

Monday, January 15, 2007

stuff and things

a. read this

b. watch this

c. support this


About Me

My photo
I guess the most important things include: I live in a tiny apartment (in a rather large city), I work in HR, I enjoy dress up dinners that end in pj parties, and I'm trying to pull off a bob with bangs.